Couples Coaching

A healthy and fulfilling relationship does not happen by chance.  What does it take to make a relationship great?

Most of us were not blessed with many healthy role-model relationships to witness and learn from.   Can I offer

you and your relationship some hope?  With some intentional, simple and dare I say, pretty-painless coaching,

you will feel better and your relationship will be on healthier.  Many times we expect the relationship to be moving

forward (or faster) without doing the work of setting and establishing the foundation. Everything sure, solid and

steady has a strong foundation.


Couple’s Coaching Options:

1:  Let the assessments speak for you!  We’ll utilize three well-known assessments to discover more about who

each other are.  Learning more about WHO we are in relationship with is foundational.  Three hours of

coaching—2 hours coaching together and one 30 min coaching session individually.  Many say this has made all

the difference in the world.  It will take the guess work out of things, empower and bring a confidence to knowing

more of what to do or not do!


2:  Your relationship tree!  What are the roots, trunk and branches of your relationship tree?  What does how

you feel in love and what you appreciate about each other have to do with it?  What values are most important

for your relationship to honor?  This is all about coming together as a couple.  Who is the relationship, so to speak,

when you come together?   This is a piece of the foundation to be decided on so the relationship can grow healthy

and in the same direction.  Three hours of coaching together.


3:  What does boating have to do with my relationship?  Can you say…..everything!  What is the type of boat

to be used? In my case, my hubby is a sailor and I’m all about speed.  There’s great purpose and benefits with both

types of boating, right?  How will the boat go—-a sail, motor or oars?  When will the boating take place?

What about refueling?  These are fun metaphors for relationship strategies that we’ll be coaching on.  The strategizing

will be on communication, planning, support and action steps.  When a couple has these down, there’s no where they can’t go!

Three hours of coaching together.


4:  Have you and your mate set yearly goals or focuses and have them not happen?  Most of the time, this can be

because the goals were not important enough for both of you or that the accountability for them wasn’t done throughout

the year.  Its amazing how quickly the year can fly by.  I’ve got a tool and the accountability plan for this.  Two hours of

coaching together.


All four of the couple’s coaching options go together and in the above order very nicely.  Or, feel free to pick and choose

one—one to start; one and done; one alone will enhance and bring value.  What is your relationship foundation needing

most?  Making your relationship a priority because you work to nurture, cherish and grow it is wise and worthwhile.