its all about Giving Unbelievable aTtention to Self!

The GUTS Course

That’s exactly what’s happening for women across the world through the GUTS program. This five-week program is built around giving ourselves unbelievable attention so we can live more intentional, fulfilling lives – at home, at work and in our communities.

The program engages participants through weekly community calls and three one-on-one coaching sessions and provides the tools, encouragement and accountability you need to take control and take action. The coursework is built around what Reggie calls the 5Hs to Living from the Heart:

Heart – Learning to listen and trust your intuition.

Head – Rebooting and renewing our mind.

Hands – Feeling empowered to pursue your passion.

Health – Valuing Who You Are.

Haven – Creating an environment that inspires.

*Check out next GUTS course dates on Home page, under Heart*Notes.

GUTS Monthly Support Calls

GUTS Monthly Action

Heart-work Huddles



“It has changed me into an entirely different person.  I’m MUCH happier with myself now, and have much more direction.  It was a pivotal step in what I’m doing for work now as well.  There isn’t one aspect of my life that GUTS didn’t touch for the better.”

“It’s given me a new knowledge of myself, more peace and a place that I can always come back to.”

“More confidence.”

“The course opened my eyes and my heart and headed me into a life full of meaning and purpose.”

“An amazing and transforming affect.  It was my first step to finding myself and learning to be comfortable with who I am.”

“It has inspired an insightfulness and an open-mindedness about my spirit, soul, my heart and moved me to OWN what I know.”

“I am living the life that I dreamed because of the work I have done through this course.”







“My life is a journey and exposure and education through GUTS allowed me to develop “in my own timeline” and I stopped comparing myself to others.”

“I am much more in the moment of my life.”

“I am free from the fear of living a life based on the expectations of others;  I now live for me and act from my heart vs my head standing in my power.”

“Trusting myself and my faith in all things that I want to do or be!”

“I am worthy of an opinion and I can stand up and speak up for what I want and need.  My opinion is not silly or invaluable.”

“I get on the GUTS calls every month because I know whatever we discuss will be exactly what I need to hear – and this month’s call was no exception. Reggie has this way of sharing her own stories to inspire me to be my best and to motivate me to move forward, stretch, risk, and to expect the best from myself. You have to listen to this month’s call where she shares about an incredible experience she had – it’s about letting go of something that is holding you back – like her orange rock. I was so moved I immediately identified my own “orange rock” and promised myself to “let it go” for the month of May. When I come to the calls with an open mind and learning spirit, I always walk away having reconnected with my Future self and feeling like I can do anything.”