Coaching with Reggie

Testimonials –


“Knowing myself and where I am going. I’ve been able to make decisions faster and know that my life is in alignment.”

“I am carefree and happy to be ME and its a joyful feeling.”

“I wrote a book and started a business.”

“I am much more confident of my decisions and am really loving life.”

“The self-confidence and courage I have developed to love and respect myself enough to believe in my dreams.”

“Being a much better person, being a better friend, being happier, being myself again.”


“Doing what’s important to me, being me and being proud of me!”

“Living a life that I believe in, trust, respect and feel passionate about.”

“Being true to myself.”

“It means complete authenticity in every aspect. It means being able to say NO and yes to what I want to do.”

“Allowing me to be ALL of me, all of the time and not hiding parts of me at different times depending on who I am with.”

“It’s living in the moment mindfully, with personal integrity, honesty and accountability. No more spinning the stories that have kept me trapped for years.”

“No excuses. Life is what it is and living in the moment based on my feelings and not in my head.”

“Loving each day and myself and those around me with all my heart.”

For more than two decades, entrepreneurs, executives and individuals from all walks of life have taken Reggie with them on their journey in pursuit of Living from the Heart and being who they want to be.

The reasons are as different as the journeys themselves. Each of the one-on-one coaching sessions are designed around the individual’s goals and focused on listening, asking powerful questions and providing accountability. Individuals have called on Reggie’s Coaching Academy to help them become more effective leaders, find balance in their lives, release challenges from their past and lead more intentional, authentic lives.

It’s a journey that meets you where you are at and helps take you where you want to go. Some of Reggie’s first clients in 1999 remain her clients today. 

What to know about coaching as a supportive avenue for you: 

Coaching is a partnership between you and I.  I am not any sort of expert, although I do have lotsa insight, intuition and 22 years of coaching experience (that’s a whole-bunch of 30 min sessions people).  As a coach, I believe and know that YOU HAVE all the answers for what you desire most.  Isn’t that good news!  My job as coach is to come along side of you to assist you in finding CLARITY about these precious answers.  Let’s think of it this way:  your life is a car; you are in the driver’s seat driving; I am in the passengers seat with a bag of support tools.  The support tools would be the gps, compass, maps and snacks for your journey.  The journey of your LIFE… will be believed in, encouraged and championed. 

Ready, LET’S GO!